Phoam Swords

**Tools: **Android, Java, Node.js, Javascript, Phidgets, C#, RFID, 3D Printing
Video games are increasingly becoming popular on mobile devices and use a wide range of sensors to enhance the experience while on the go. While many games utilize a virtual world to play in, few games mix the real world with game elements. Here I tackle the problem of physically augmenting a mobile phone to enable fun and deeper immersion between two players in a jousting like game. Players attach their phones into the Phoame sword attachment and wear a special T-Shirt. Players have to attack one of three spots on the shirt, earning 1 point for every arm hit and 2 points for every chest hit. The player inflicts damage to their opponent gets healed by the amount of damage dealt thus resulting in a tug-o-war battle.
The physicality of the swords allows players to use a large variety of tactics using the environment, arms, legs, and proximity to the player. In contrast to traditional buttons on a gamepad, Players can take an aggressive stance by making rapid attacks, use body language to trick opponents, or even block attacks using their other arm.
